Caerwent HouseStories offers in depth research about the history of your house presented in handsome, hardcover format. These books, as well as other Caerwent products, make wonderful gifts for a housewarming, Christmas, birthday or simply anytime you want to give someone a "lasting memento of their home". The Caerwent team, led by owner and chief researcher Robin Burgoyne, conduct interviews with individuals associated with the house. We also scour local and provincial archives, libraries, land registry offices, city building permits departments, the web and any other sources that we can to uncover the mysteries and the details of your home's history. Caerwent also offers two stand alone products – a scrapbook and a chart– as well as group workshops and personal presentations.
Go to our Prices page for details.
The Caerwent HouseStory Book
This hardcover bound book contains an approximately 3000 word narrative about the history of your house and surrounding neighbourhood. It also includes archival photos, newspaper clippings or citations related to your house, a building permit (if available), and land registry records.
In addition, every book features a well organized and detailed chart with fascinating information about previous owners and occupants, including their birthdates and occupations, and the dates of purchase or occupancy of the property .
You may also commission one of our artist's renderings of your house. You will receive a 16" x 12" piece of art which is suitable for framing and that will run on the front cover of your book.
To see what our books look like, go to our Portfolio page.
Caerwent History Poster
Caerwent history posters give a lively and interesting snapshot of the history of a house. It can be customized to any size.
The Caerwent Scrap Book
The Caerwent Scrapbook includes your house's building permit (if available), archival photographs, newspaper clippings/or citations, land registry documents and other intriguing and pertinent information found in the archives or online. It also includes one of our signature Caerwent Charts. All of this information is printed and put together for you in scrapbook format.
The Caerwent Chart
Our signature Caerwent chart has detailed information about previous owners and occupants. It includes birthdates, professions and number of residents living in the house where available. It also includes dates of sale/purchase or occupancy of the property. All of this information is put together clearly and attractively on 8'1/2 by 11 sheets suitable for framing.
Group Workshops
Get a group together and learn how to research your house history. We'll explain how it is done and give you some tips to make your research less time consuming and more fruitful. You will be surprised at how much you can find out and how much fun it can be once you know how. In the words of one of our clients,
"(Robin) will do a thorough and professional job of researching and presenting the material so that everyone present will benefit."
Susan Dineen
One-on-One Consultation
For those who would like to learn to research the history of their house. We will work with you one-on-one to guide you towards finding all of the best information possible about your home.
Caerwent Illustrations
Artist Peter Liu creates beautifully detailed watercolours and b x w sketches. Each piece of artwork is rendered with your house and its history in mind. Delivered in a 16" x 12" format suitable for framing, the artwork is transposed onto the cover of your book and you keep the original. These illustrations are a perfect accompaniment to a Caerwent HouseStory.
Caerwent PowerPoint Presentations
We will create for you a unique PowerPoint presentation detailing the history of your home, complete with a compilation of interesting tidbits and archival photos. An average presentation is roughly seven and a half minutes or 38 slides long, however, each presentation is different and can be tailored to suite your needs.
We will create for you a unique PowerPoint presentation detailing the history of your home, complete with a compilation of interesting tidbits and archival photos. Learn more...
Caerwent Illustrations
Caerwent offers a watercolour or sketch of your house suitable for framing. Learn more...
Looking to research house and print some photos of the area
for 1987 Queen st east Toronto.